Traveling through a nuclear medium: How is energy dissipated?
MASQOT: Masovian Symposium on Quantum, Optical and Atomic Physics, Warsaw (Poland)
Dynamics in the inner crust: heavy impurity in Fermi superfluid
ECT*: The physics of strongly interacting matter: neutron stars, cold atomic gases and related systems, Trento (Italy)
Exotic pairing in few-body ultracold systems
25th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Mainz (Germany)
Exotic pairing in few-body ultracold systems
Ultracold Atoms Japan 2022, Okinawa (Japan) [online]
Heat capacity of neutron star's crust in the presence of a vortex
CompOSE 2021, Barcelona (Spain) [online]
Modeling superfluidity in neutron stars with Brussels-Montreal functionals
56th Karpacz Winter School in Theoretical Physics, Karpacz (Poland)
Pairing in the systems of a few ultracold atoms
1st Symposium on Cold Interactions and Collisions, Warsaw (Poland)
Mass imbalance in ultracold few-body systems
FoKA 2 Workshop, Iława (Poland)
Mass-imbalanced few-fermion systems in one dimensionVideo
Advances in Quantum Simulation with Ultra cold Atoms, Natal (Brazil)
Beyond the adiabaticity in few-fermion system
Quantum Technologies Conference IX, Jastarnia (Poland)
Speeding up an adiabatic process in few-fermion system
Small and Medium Sized Cold Atom Systems Workshop, Benasque (Spain)
Transition in traps of different shapes in a system of a few ultra-cold fermions
26th Annual International Laser Physics Workshop, Kazan (Russia)
Transition in traps of different shapes in a system of a few ultra-cold fermions
57. Cracow School of Theoretical Physics: Entanglement and Dynamics, Zakopane (Poland)
Spatial separation and its transition in a one-dimensional system of a few fermions
Quantum Technologies Conference VII, Warsaw (Poland)
Spatial separation and its transition in a one-dimensional system of a few fermions
23rd European Conference On Few-Body Problems In Physics, Aarhus (Denmark)
Two-flavor mixture of a few fermions of different mass in a one-dimensional harmonic trap
22nd Young Atom Opticians Conference, Garching (Germany)
Two-flavor mixture of a few fermions of different mass in a one-dimensional harmonic trap
Quantum Technologies Conference VI, Warsaw (Poland)
Impact of vortices on heat capacity in the crust of a neutron star
Many-particle systems under extreme conditions, Görlitz (Germany)
December 2023
Non-equilibrium dynamics in the inner crust of a neutron star
17th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC-XVII), Daejeon (Korea)
September 2023
Effective mass of a nucleus incteracting with neutron superfluid
25th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Mainz (Germany)
August 2023
Quantum vortex in neutron star’s crust at finite temperatures
PHAROS 2022, Rome (Italy)
May 2022
Unconventional pairing in few-body systems
Quantum Optics X, Toruń (Poland) [online]
September 2021
Two-body correlations in mass-imbalanced few-body mixtures
Coherence in Fermionic Matter: Fermion Pairing in Cold Atoms and Superconductors, Bad Honnef (Germany)
October 2019
Transition in traps of different shapes in a system of a few ultra-cold fermions
Topological Matter in Artificial Gauge Fields, Dresden (Germany)
February 2018
Transition in traps of different shapes in a system of a few ultra-cold fermions
Quantum Optics IX, Gdańsk (Poland)
September 2017
Two-flavor mixture of a few fermions of different mass in a one-dimensional harmonic trap
614. WE-Heraeus-Seminar: Few-body Physics: Advances and Prospects in Theory and Experiment, Bad Honnef (Germany)
April 2016
Two-flavor mixture of a few fermions of different mass in a one-dimensional harmonic trap
Okinawa School in Physics: Coherent Quantum Dynamics, Okinawa (Japan)
October 2015
Two-flavor mixture of a few fermions of different mass in a one-dimensional harmonic trap
Cold-Atoms PreDoc School: Exploring new quantum gases, Les houches (France)
September 2015
Raman atom-light interface in the presence of Doppler broadening
10th International Young Scientist Conference, Riga (Latvia)
April 2014
Raman atom-light interface in the presence of Doppler broadening
XIV IONS Conference, Toruń (Poland)
July 2013
What does an astronaut see aproaching to the black hole's horizon?
Optical Society of America Chapters meeting, Toruń (Poland)
May 2013
Innowacyjne oprogramowanie do symulacji wnętrza gwiazdy neutronowej
Koło Naukowe Fizyki Komputerowej, Politechnika Warszawska, Warszawa
Energy dissipation in the superfluid interior of neutron stars
Seminarium Fizyki Teoretycznej, IF PAN, Warszawa
Dissipation in superfluid layers of a neutron star
Seminarium, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku, Białystok
Microscopic dynamics in neutron star inner crust
IAA meeting, IAA ULB, Brussels
Microscopic dynamics in deep layers of neutron star
Seminarium BEC, CFT PAN, Warszawa
Impact of quantum vortices on neutron star properties
Seminarium Zakładu Optyki Atomowej, Uniwersytet Jagielloński, Kraków
Heat capacity of neutron star's crust in the presence of a vortex
IAA meeting, IAA ULB, Brussels
Properties of a quantum vortex in neutron matter
Seminarium Fizyki Teoretycznej, IF PAN, Warszawa
FFLO-like pairing in few-body systems
Seminarium Fizyki Teoretycznej, IF PAN, Warszawa
Unconventional pairing in few-body systems
Seminarium BEC, IF PAN, Warszawa
Ultracold few-fermion systems with mass imbalance
Seminarium, Politechnika Warszawska, Warszawa
Transition in traps of different shapes in a system of a few ultra-cold fermions
Seminarium Fizyki Teoretycznej, IF PAN, Warszawa
Experimentally Accessible Invariants Encoded in Interparticle Correlations of Ultra-Cold Fermions
9th PhD Students Symposium, Kazimierz Dolny
The role of a mass difference in the system of few strongly interacting ultra-cold fermions
Seminarium Zakładu Mechaniki Kwantowej, Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń
The role of a mass difference in the system of several strongly interacting fermions
Seminarium Mechaniki Kwantowej, Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego, Kielce
Spatial separation and its transition in the system of several interacting fermions of a different mass
Seminarium BEC, CFT PAN, Warszawa
Few Ultracold Fermions of a Different Mass
8th PhD Students Symposium, Kazimierz Dolny
Several interacting fermions of a different massVideo
Seminarium CFT, CFT PAN, Warszawa
Two-component mixture of fermions in a one-dimensional harmonic trap
Seminarium BEC, CFT PAN, Warszawa
Doświadczenie Davissona-GermeraVideo
Seminarium Wielkie Doświadczenia w Fizyce, IF PAN, Warszawa