
NCN Sonatina 5

Grant No: 2021/40/C/ST2/00072
Title: Influence of superfluidity in the time evolution of inhomogeneous structures in a neutron star
Principal Investigator: Daniel Pęcak
Realisation period: since 01/12/2021
Budget: 542 900 PLN
NCN database


  1. Daniel Pęcak (PI)
  2. Monika Marek (02-07.2024)
  3. Maciej Standerski (04-06.2024)
  4. Szymon Ryszkowski (05-07.2024)


  1. Time-dependent nuclear energy-density functional theory toolkit for neutron star crust: Dynamics of a nucleus in a neutron superfluid
    D. Pęcak, A. Zdanowicz, N. Chamel, P. Magierski, G. Wlazłowski
    Physical Review X14, 041054,
  2. Quantum vortices in fermionic superfluids: from ultracold atoms to neutron stars
    P. Magierski, A. Barresi, A. Makowski, D. Pęcak, G. Wlazłowski
    Eur. Phys. J. A60, 186
  3. Unconventional pairing in few-fermion systems at finite temperature
    D. Pęcak, T. Sowiński, Scientific Reports 12, 17476 (2022)

Conference Talks

  1. Traveling through a nuclear medium: How is energy dissipated?
    MASQOT: Masovian Symposium on Quantum, Optical and Atomic Physics, Warsaw (Poland)
  2. Dynamics in the inner crust: heavy impurity in Fermi superfluid
    ECT*: The physics of strongly interacting matter: neutron stars, cold atomic gases and related systems, Trento (Italy)
  3. Exotic pairing in few-body ultracold systems
    25th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Mainz (Germany)
  4. Exotic pairing in few-body ultracold systems
    Ultracold Atoms Japan 2022, Okinawa (Japan) [online]

Conference Posters

  1. Impact of vortices on heat capacity in the crust of a neutron star
    Many-particle systems under extreme conditions, Görlitz (Germany)
    December 2023
  2. Non-equilibrium dynamics in the inner crust of a neutron star
    17th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC-XVII), Daejeon (Korea)
    September 2023
  3. Effective mass of a nucleus incteracting with neutron superfluid
    25th European Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics, Mainz (Germany)
    August 2023
  4. Quantum vortex in neutron star’s crust at finite temperatures
    PHAROS 2022, Rome (Italy)
    May 2022


  1. Projekt letni: Wiry kwantowe w gwiazdach neutronowych poster PDF
    Klub Astronomiczny Almukantarat
    August 2025
  2. Sekrety skorupy wewnętrznej: jak modelujemy materię gwiazd neutronowych
    AstroNET, ISSN 1689-5592
  3. Nuklearny makaron: z czym to się je? Video
    Jubileusz 40-lecia obozów astronomicznych Almukantarat, Frombork
  4. Gwiazda neutronowa: ekstremalne laboratorium About
    Szczecineckie Stowarzyszenie Naukowe im. Adama Giedrysa Astrosfera, Szczecinek


  1. W-BSk Toolkit